Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation

There are presently no open calls for applications.



The Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation was established by Laura Moore Cunningham in 1963 through her will.  The Moore family were an Idaho pioneer family and C.W. Moore co-founded the Idaho First National Bank in 1863.  The Moores were instrumental in the development of Boise and greater Idaho.  The family continues to positively impact Idaho through volunteer leadership of the Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation.  

The Foundation accepts applications from any qualified tax-exempt Idaho nonprofit organization.  Particular grantmaking priorities include rural healthcare, educational programs for children, and programs in underserved communities and for underserved populations. The Foundation does not limit giving to a certain type of program or need (i.e.: programs, equipment, bricks and mortar, salaries and benefits), however administrative costs are not preferred.  We are interested in organizations run in a cost-effective manner and serving large numbers of people who are truly in need. 

Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation